SA Reserve Bank visits Digital Library Services for benchmarking exercise

On 11 October, representatives from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) visited the Digital Library Services (DLS) unit at UCT Libraries to learn about the DLS digitisation processes as part of a benchmarking exercise. The SARB has a considerable archive of legacy data stored on physical media that they want to digitise for long-term access and preservation, and approached DLS to learn about our unit's digitisation processes and workflows.
In their brief visit to the DLS offices, The SARB team was shown the various forms of digitisation equipment used by DLS, including the rotating drum scanner, the large map scanner, and the various flatbed and feeder scanners used to digitise images and thesis documents, as well introduced to the workflows and best practices DLS employs to make the most of the technology.
DLS is very excited to continue the conversation with the SARB around their digitisation activities and looks forward to future collaboration.