Online info session: figshare field trip to UCT

20 Mar 2018
20 Mar 2018

UCT will be hosting an online figshare field trip on Tuesday 20 March, 2018.

During the field trip, we will share some of our highlights and challenges with the implementation process, with a focus on the difficulties encountered, and how we’ve tackled them. We will also provide an update on our current engagement strategy, as well as speak towards the possibility of initiating a constructive support group for South African institutions embarking on the figshare implementation journey.

Two of our champion research groups, ROER4D and CeBER, will also provide an update on how they've been using the institutional figshare repository.

If you are able to join us, please see further information below. Please also feel free to send any specific questions, or talking points that you’d like to hear addressed during the discussion session at the end of the field trip.


Figshare field trip to UCT | Tuesday 20 March 2018 | 12h00 – 14h30 (SA time)


12h00-12h15 - Introductions and agenda (Megan Hardeman)

12:15-13h00 - Update on implementation and engagement at UCT (Niklas Zimmer & Kayleigh Lino)

13h00-13h20 - UCT case study: ROER4D (Thomas King / Michelle Willmers)

13h25-13h45 - UCT case study: CEBER (Lesley Mostert)

13h45-14h00 - comfort break

14h00-14h30 - conversation around topics requested by participants (all attendees, lead by Megan Hardeman)


Join the field trip at this link