North West Spatial Development Framework 2016
The North West Province has published its Spatial Development Framework 2016. The "Framework needs to be conducive for sustainable development and will provide for the execution of the following objectives: 1. The alignment of international agreements, protocols and policies on sustainable development as determined by Agenda 21 2. The integration of international cooperation and development programmes which includes the Spatial Development Initiatives (SDI’s) involving the Coast to Coast Development Corridor 3. Giving spatial effect to objectives set by National Government Policies on Sustainability to support the optimal integration of the aspects of social, economic, institutional, political, physical and engineering services. Restructuring and eliminating the disparate spatial development patterns provided by apartheid planning 5. Creating an enabling environment for sustainable employment and economic growth and infrastructure development, promoting the objectives of the National Growth Path, The Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) and The National Infrastructure Plan. 6. Providing for the integration of the objectives of sustainable housing 7. Reducing inherited spatial divisions and distorted spatial patterns through spatial restructuring tenure reform, restitution and land redistribution 8. Addressing the inequality in the spatial distribution of economic activities and population in the province 9. Maintaining and developing national and regional roads, railway and airport linkages promoting national, regional and provincial accessibility support the development of Transportation Corridors. These corridors include systems of. 10. The optimal utilisation of natural resources."