GHS series VI, Information and communication technologies : in-depth analysis of the General Household Survey data,2002-2013

14 Apr 2015
14 Apr 2015

GHS series VI, Information and communication technologies : in-depth analysis of the General Household Survey data,2002-2013, released by Statistics South Africa, quantifies the digital divide in South Africa. "While numerous studies and international case studies have indeed underlined the importance of ICT for development, rapid technological advances risks exacerbating existing inequalities, entrenching widening digital divides in society based on socio-economic status and geographic location. This study confirms that even though access to mobile phones has increased significantly across all socio-economic and population groups, there is indeed a tangible divide in South Africa in terms of access to the knowledge economy elements of an information society. This relates very specifically to aspects such as connectivity to the internet and ownership of computers and play themselves out starkly along socio-economic and settlement type lines."