Men, Women and Children: Findings of the Living Conditions Survey 2014/15
The Men, Women and Children: Findings of the Living Conditions Survey 2014/15 "report presents a selection of key findings and tables based on the data that were collected by Stats SA through the Living Conditions Survey (LCS) 2014/15 that was carried out during the period 13 October 2014 to 25 October 2015. The report seeks to understand the difference between the adult and the children populations through profiling their living circumstances and levels of poverty, with special attention given to the differences between males and females. This poverty report profiles across two distinct segments of society, namely adults (18 years and older) and children (17 years and younger) with particular focus on differences between men and women. In a nutshell, the report will look at households’ characteristics, expenditure, access to basic services, health, education, child protection and social grants by household’s poverty status."