Biodiversity management plan for 11 critically endangered and 4 endangered Encephalartos species
The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) developed the Biodiversity management plan for 11 critically endangered and 4 endangered Encephalartos species on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs. "Encephalartos species (or cycads as they are more commonly known as) are collectively the most threatened plant group in South Africa today. Twelve of the 37 (32%) Encephalartos species that occur in South Africa are regarded as Critically Endangered, while an additional three are already considered Extinct in the Wild. There are less than 100 plants left in the wild for seven of the Critically Endangered species, four species of which are on the brink of extinction. A further four Encephalartos species are regarded as Endangered.
The aim of the BMP-S is to ensure the long-term survival in nature of the 15 Encephalartos species. For the purpose of this BMP long-term survival is interpreted as halting the decline of the in situ populations and thereafter attaining a population growth which will result in a down-listing of the species in terms of its conservation status in the IUCN Red List. The 15 Encephalartos included in the BMP-S are Encephalartos aemulans, E. arenarius, E. cerinus, E. cupidus, E. dolomiticus, E. dyerianus, E. eugene-maraisii, E. heenanii, E. hirsutus, E. horridus, E. inopinus, E. laevifolius, E. lebomboensis, E. middelburgensis, and E. msinganus."