Mining industry, 2015
Key findings of the Mining industry, 2015 report include "The total income for the mining industry in 2015 was R419,5 billion. The total income represents an increase of 2,2% per annum over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2012 (R393,4 billion). Comparing 2012 and 2015, large increases were reported for 'mining of coal and lignite' (+R21,9 billion), 'mining of manganese' (+R6,8 billion) and 'mining of diamonds (including alluvial diamonds)' (+R6,4 billion). However, large decreases were reported for 'mining of platinum group metal ore' (-R15,5 billion), 'mining of iron ore' (-R7,4 billion) and 'mining of gold and uranium ore' (-R3,3 billion);
The total number of persons employed in the mining industry as at the end of June 2015 was 490 146. The 'mining of platinum group metal ore' division employed the largest number of persons (198 952 or 40,6%), followed by 'mining of gold and uranium ore' (104 369 or 21,3%) and 'mining of coal and lignite' (97 952 or 20,0%);
Employment in the mining industry declined from 538 144 in 2012 to 490 146 in 2015 (a loss of 47 998 jobs). The biggest losses in jobs were recorded in 'mining of gold and uranium ore' (a loss of 39 715 jobs), followed by 'mining of platinum group metal ore' (a loss of 7 812 jobs) and 'other stone quarrying, including stone crushing and clay and sandpits' (a loss of 4 512 jobs)."