South African National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022
Draft 2 of the South African National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022 has been released for public comment. "The NSP outlines the strategic framework for a multi-sectoral partnership to accelerate progress in reducing the morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) associated with HIV, TB and STIs. The NSP serves as a framework to inform and guide national, provincial and local level stakeholders. At the provincial level, the NSP will be used to guide the development Provincial Implementation Plans, which will outline a blueprint for action to implement the NSP.
The NSP 2017-2022, which leverages lessons learned from public health gains made under the NSP 2012-2016, is the product of an extensive collaboration involving national, provincial and local governments; civil society; the private sector; academic experts; multilateral institutions; development partners and other stakeholders. Through the goals, objectives, targets and activities it outlines, the NSP expresses the collective vision of a nation that becomes healthier, stronger, more equitable, and better prepared to realize our goals as reflected in the National Development Plan."