Integrated energy plan

01 Dec 2016
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Department of Energy logo
01 Dec 2016

"The purpose of the Integrated energy plan is to provide a roadmap of the future energy landscape for South Africa which guides future energy infrastructure investments and policy development. The IEP analyses current energy consumption trends within different sectors of the economy (i.e. agriculture, commerce, industry, residential and transport) and uses this to project future energy requirements, based on different scenarios. The scenarios are informed by different assumptions on economic development and the structure of the economy and also take into account the impact of key policies such as environmental policies, energy efficiency policies, transport policies and industrial policies, amongst others.The IEP then determines the optimal mix of energy sources and technologies to meet those energy needs in the most cost-effective manner for each of the scenarios. The associated environmental impacts, socio-economic benefits and macroeconomic impacts are also analysed. The IEP is therefore focused on determining the long-term energy pathway for South Africa."