Proposal for the new NSDS and SETA landscape within the context of an integrated and differentiated post school education and training system (NSLP- 2015)
'The Proposal for the new National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) and sector education and training authorities (SETAS) landscape within the context of an integrated and differentiated post school education and training system (NSLP- 2015) sets out the vision for the "NSDS and SETAs within the context of an integrated and differentiated post school education and training system", and the changes proposed for the skills development institutional landscape and funding framework to achieve this vision. The NSLP 2015 gives effect to the intentions of the 'White Paper for Post-School Education and Training: Building an Expanded, Effective and Integrated Post-School System' (WP-PSET) released by the Minister of Higher Education and Training (MHET) in January 2014, the aim of which being "to build an integrated post-school education and training system that serves the needs of the nation". '