UCT cancelled it's Open Access Week programme due to the national student protests during this time

Open Access (OA) Week is celebrated world-wide during October in a multitude of locations. Entering its 8th year, it raises awareness and promotes an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue transforming the way research and scientific inquiry are conducted.

Open Access is the free, immediate, online access to scholarly work, and the right to use and re-use it as long as the author is attributed.  UCT is part of the international community promoting open access to scholarly work and will be celebrating OA Week.

In celebrating OA Week, UCT Libraries would like to publicise the institution’s Open Access Policy, which was approved by Council in June 2014. This Policy encourages all forms of scholarship to be made available in the institution’s open access repository, OpenUCT. The Repository now has nearly 12 000 items, which is now accessible and discoverable by the international audience.

The title of UCT’s OA Week is Open Access:  the gateway to internationalisation. UCT Libraries will host three events during the week of 19 October, in collaboration with the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT), Office of Post Graduate Studies and the Research Office.

All UCT staff and students are welcome to attend the events.

Download the full programme. (UCT cancelled it's Open Access Week programme due to the national student protests during this time)

Highlights of the programme




Monday, 19 October, 13h30 for a 14h00 start until 16h00.

Open Access at UCT:

Keynotes from Dr Lorraine Haricombe, Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at University of Texas at Austin and Ms Heather Joseph, Executive Director of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC).


Centre for African Studies Gallery

Wednesday, 21 October, 17h00 for a 17h30 start until 19h30.

Open Access Publishing at UCT:

There will be a copyright debate with Elsevier and Dr Tobias Schonwetter and a panelist discussion with senior UCT academics who will share their experience of publishing OA.

Frances Ames Room, Health Sciences

Friday, 23 October, 09h00 to 12h30.

Open Access: Advancing and Establishing your Career

This session will be co-ordinated by Jill Claassen. Masters and doctoral students, supervisors, as well as early career researchers will benefit greatly from this workshop.  There will be activities on converting a thesis or dissertation into a publishing article, how and where to publish, as well as how to deposit research into OpenUCT.

Ulwazi Training Room, Chancellor Oppenheimer Library

Please email openuct@uct.ac.za for more information.