1st Draft National Inland Fisheries Policy Framework for South Africa

02 Jul 2018
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries logo
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries logo
02 Jul 2018

"The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) hereby invite interested and affected stakeholders to participate in the public consultations on the Draft National Inland (Freshwater) Fisheries Policy. The Policy seeks to create an efficient regulatory regime for the inland fisheries sector in order to create an enabling environment to promote sustainable growth and transformation of the sector.

South African inland fisheries resources have the potential to contribute to food security, job creation and economic development.  However, the lack a national policy to guide their sustainable utilization and development has hampered the development of the sector. While access to other public resources such as marine fisheries, minerals, water and land have thus far been subject to democratic era reform, inland fisheries have been overlooked. This policy is thus designed to align inland fishery governance with Constitutional requirements for a sustainable development approach to natural resource utilization for the benefit of all citizens."