National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) 2016-2026

The final National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) 2016-2026 has been published. It is the second NTSS for South Africa. "The first National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) for South Africa was published in 2011 as a ten-year Strategy, with targets from 2010 to 2020. It has recently been the subject of a review to determine what adjustments, if any, need to be made given the changing domestic and international environment and in light of lessons learned from the implementation process. The review has taken into account the emergence of important trends in global markets, as well as South Africa’s competitive strengths and weaknesses. An essential part of the exercise was an assessment of the potential and the identification of pathways for the South African tourism economy to play an enhanced role in the growth of the overall economy. The process has culminated in a second iteration of the NTSS.
The NTSS focuses on inclusive growth, which must fundamentally be based on domestic and international tourist market growth and expenditure increases. While the national tourism marketing agency, South African Tourism (SA Tourism) has a detailed methodology for identifying priority markets, the NTSS further links the marketing plans to broader development imperatives, including addressing barriers to growth and the building of a transformed and inclusive tourism economy. This growth will, by the values that drive South Africa as a developmental state, be inclusive, responsible and sustainable. It will also be underpinned by an awareness of the imperative of the wise use of scarce resources."