National norms and standards for domestic water and sanitation services Version 3- Final

18 Sep 2017
Department of Water and Sanitation logo
18 Sep 2017

The National norms and standards for domestic water and sanitation services Version 3- Final "is the culmination of the review and revision of the international and national norms and standards for water and sanitation services. It sets out and describes the national norms and standards for levels of water services, including sanitation, which will be applicable from 2017 onwards, until the Minister requests another revision in future.

After the introduction and definitions, the first part of the document (Part One) focuses on water components of water services and the second part of the document (Part Two) focuses on the sanitation and waste water components of water services. Part Three summarises the monitoring and reporting responsibilities and Part 4 conclude with a proposed plan of action in implementing the norms and standards for water and sanitation services. Annexure A summarises the legislation impacting on water and sanitation services, Annexure B list the policies and strategies, and Annexure C provides a list of current guidelines and standards pertaining to water and sanitation services."