About the Press
UCT Press has a long history of scholarly monograph publishing. We are excited to have become an open-access press that will continue our investment in sharing high-quality, original, peer-reviewed research on pressing issues. Open access contributes to social justice by making scholarship more equitable and widely available. Learn more
Book Proposals
The purpose of your book must be to disseminate original research and new developments for, from and about Africa in the specific relevant fields. We particularly encourage inter and transdisciplinary approaches, research for impact and engaged research. Publications may be a monograph, or an edited collection of chapters that offers new insights from an African perspective. We therefore invite established and emerging researchers to submit book proposals.
Contact the Press
Email uctpress@uct.ac.za
Website openuctpress.uct.ac.za/uctpress
Room 6.01 Hlanganani
Chancellor Oppenheimer Library
Upper Campus
University of Cape Town
UCT Press Relaunch
View the full programme and video of the UCT Press Relaunch held in October 2023.