Ibali Iindaba 2022 - Digital Collections UCT Webinars

You can register for the events listed here:
- 2022 Kick Off
- Wed 09 February
- https://uct.ac.za.libcal.com/calendar/libraryevents/ibaliindaba01of22
- In this opening session of the year, we look at what is in store for Ibali in 2022. What are the cool new things one can do with a site? What are the new sites that will make their way onto the platform? This session will also be an opportunity to virtually encounter others working on the platform and spend some time looking at each other’s sites.
- Session 02
- Session 03
- Session 04
- Session 05
- Session 06
- Session 07
- Session 08
- Session 09
- Yearly Wrap Up
Find out more about Ibali | Digital Collections UCT | Digital Library Services
See the full DLS training schedule and register
Check out our MS Streams Channel (UCT Staff Only)
Follow DLS on Twitter
More About Ibali:
The software behind Ibali, Omeka S, is a web publishing platform ideal for the use by GLAMs (Galleries/Gardens, Libraries, Archives, Museums), Digital Humanities scholars, but also any other user group who need to create relationships between objects in collections of data as well as describe them through linked open data resources on the internet. The ‘S’ in Omeka S stands for ‘semantic’, as in connecting to the semantic web, where data in web pages are structured and tagged. Its primary focus is on organising the various elements of a collection (e.g. people, places, media, events) such that the links in between these UCT items and the greater elements of the internet are strengthened, allowing for much more relevant searches and deeper explorations of concepts and data online.
DLS is working towards creating a highly collaborative environment, a kind of GLAM Lab, where Library staff and collaborators from UCT's community of data stewards can come together and build connections through collections on Ibali. A digital collection showcase on Ibali will allow users to experience their own ‘stories’ by navigating the links between items and through collections. Following its campus-wide launch, members of the UCT community are now empowered to organise their own collections, build their own linkages, and publish them as shared stories. DLS will provide ongoing support and training as well as guidance throughout the process, for appointed data stewards to start building collections for their respective research, teaching and learning communities at UCT.