Health Sciences Library entrance | Directions

The Impilo Junction is a 24/7 study space within the Health Sciences Library. The space is wheelchair-friendly, fully air-conditioned and kitted out with audiovisual technologies. The space can also be used as a training and presentation space.
Maximum 60 people
A mixed study and training space
- 24/7 study
- Projector
- Whiteboards
Booking the Impilo Junction
- UCT staff can apply to use Impilo Junction for a maximum of 3 hours on any single day, Monday–Friday between 08h30 and 17h00. Postgraduate students may apply to use the venue at the request of their supervisor.
- The venue can accommodate a maximum of 60 people.
- There is a projector and Library staff can assist at the beginning of your session with connecting your laptop to the projector and to eduroam.
- However, we are not able to assist with any IT problems that may arise – unfortunately the Library has neither the skills nor staff time for this – therefore we strongly recommend that the presenter arrives at least 30 minutes before the start time to set up and address any issues there might be. If you have access to departmental IT support perhaps you could arrange for someone to be on stand-by in the event that you need any help at the time of your presentation.
- There are no catering facilities in Impilo and eating and drinking are not allowed in the Library. Users should please use the cafeteria for refreshments or make other arrangements external to the Library.
- Please can the presenter inform a Library staff member when the session has concluded so that we can lock away the equipment.
How to Book
Please email us your request to book the Impilo Junction and include the following information:
- When you would like to book the venue
- How long you would like to use the venue
- Number of people expected