South African Library Week 2022: A Message from our Library ED

Dear All
South African Library Week, 14-20 March, with the theme ReImagine! RePurpose! ReDiscover...Libraries! challenges us to re-claim ownership of libraries across all communities. This is extremely relevant now especially as we emerge from the imposed COVID-19 lock down into a more hybrid world of thinking, doing and being.
And so what should be the look and feel of post-COVID libraries?
UCT Libraries has initiated a 10-year spatial and design plan that will enable the UCT community to re-imagine, re-purpose and discover new ways of using our library spaces across all campuses. The fire that destroyed the Jagger Reading Room has further served as an impetus to re-conceptualise the Jagger Library into its history, purpose and future. Various consultations and creative processes will be held across the University to elicit ideas that will guide the spatial and design elements of this plan.
Meanwhile, I invite you to ponder this theme and share your ideas and dreams of what the look and feel of UCT Libraries should be.
Ujala Satgoor
Executive Director: UCT Libraries