UCT Libraries Promotes a Culture of Literacy and Reading Through Its Special Collections

UCT Libraries Promotes a Culture of Literacy and Reading Through Its Special Collections
UCT libraries iphakamisa inkcubeko yokufunda/ yokufundwa kweencwadi ngokusebenzisa ingqokelela yeencwadi ezinqabileyo.
National Book Week 2019 | International Literacy Day 2019
Iveki yokuqaphela iincwadi zokufunda | usuku lokuqaphela ukufunda nokufundisa 2019
South African National Book Week is celebrated annually during the first week of September. It is an initiative of the South African Book Development Council (SABDC) in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture. The commemoration coincides with International Literacy Day on 8 September. In honour of this occasion, UCT Libraries will showcase a multilingual display of both its African Studies Collection and the Rare Books Children’s Collection in the Main Library foyer.
Iveki yokuqaphela iincwadi eMzantsi Afrika ibhiyozelwa minyaka le, kwiveki yokuqala kwinyanga yoMsintsi. Lusuku oluququzelelwa yi South African Book Development Council (SABDC) ngokusebenzisana nesebe lezaMasiko Nenkcubeko. Lombhiyozo ungqamene nosuku lwelizwe lonke lokufunda nokufundisa lwange yesi 8 kweyoMsintsi. Ukunika imbeko kolusuku, UCT Libraries izakube ibonisa ingqokelela yeencwadi zelwimi ngelwimi zaseAfrika, iincwadi ezinqabileyo eluntwini kunye nezo zifanele abasakhulayo. Zizakube ziboniswa ngasekungeneni kwithala leencwadi.
According to the South African Government website, “reading statistics report that only 14% of the South African population are active book readers, and a mere 5% of parents read to their children …. National Book Week embarks on a creative campaign which reveals to South Africans the many ways in which books remain our faithful companions on the road of life, prodding us, guiding us, teasing us, and sweeping us away into history, fantasy and the inner lives of others so different, and yet so similar, to ours.”
Source: SA Gov website, National Book Week https://www.gov.za/national-book-week-1