Collaborate @ UCT Libraries this #SALibraryWeek

Explore our Spaces
Looking for spaces for silent study? or to brainstorm with peers or work on a collaborative project? Visit any of our silent, mixed and group study zones.
We support your Research

Got big data? Visualise it on the 20-million-pixel visualisation wall in Hlanganani Junction or manage your research data with Digital Library Services throughout your research project.

Book the Junction for your next workshop or research seminar.
Savvy up your Research Skills

The Savvy Researcher Series brings together information professionals, university experts and postgraduate students to explore topics related to research and academic success. Learn how to improve your academic writing skills, write a literature review or fund your Postgraduate studies.
Archives that connect the Past to the Present
From civil society to academics UCT Libraries' archives have restored connections to the past, helped rescue historical datasets and unsilenced voices from the past.
Follow Special Collections #KeepersOfOurMemory @UCTLibrary_SC
We promote our UCT Authors

Did you know more than 50 books have been authored by UCT staff members? Request a book from the Library today.
Meet your Library staff

Partnerships and Collaborations