UCT Libraries Publishes New Works

UCT Libraries has now published the second issue of UR@UCT, the undergraduate research journal, as well as two new monographs.
The latest issue of UR@UCT contains articles highlighting some of the research presented by undergraduates at the Faculty of Health Sciences annual Undergraduate Research Day last year. The two new monographs are the latest edition of the UCT Author-Date Reference Guide, (previously the well-known Harvard UCT: Handbook on Citation) and A Week in the Life of the UCT/GSH Department of Medicine, a photo essay about what the Department does, its achievements and challenges, and its legacy and future.
The Libraries have now published four monographs since piloting this service in December 2015.
UCT Libraries has taken on the role of publisher to meet campus demand for digital publishing platforms to support e-journals, conference proceedings, monographs and textbooks. It is one of four South African academic libraries that offer the hosting of open access journals, and the only one in Africa to offer the service of publishing monographs that might have otherwise been placed on websites and remained unpublished.
For more information about open access publishing at UCT Libraries, please contact Scholarly Communications and Publishing at extension 1263 or email openuct@uct.ac.za